Friday 1 February 2013

. . . Before I leave

Malaysia has been my home for the past six months. During that time, I rented a house with three bedrooms in it. It took me a month to clean it. I had to get up on a ladder to wash the ceilings and fans. The windows were filthy also. The kitchen had to be thoroughly cleaned by hand and the back porch was overrun with weeds and a large bamboo bush that sunk into the crack between the wall of the house and the pateo.

I was left with a spotlessly clean, empty house. So, what did I do? I prayed for "stuff". At first, things began to trickle in. I bought a DVD player. My son gave me a bed and TV to use. There were two countertop cuboards, so I put one in the kitchen and one in my bedroom.

Then one day, my son pulled up with a truckload of furniture! Wow! He unloaded a washer, fancy TV and two TV stands, another DVD player, a glass coffee table, five shelves, a desk, 3 dressers, a huge double bed and backboard, two wardrobes, dining table and chairs, hutch, oven and fridge! Wow! again.

I was set. My little school room was already painted (by me) with an air-conditioner installed and I had no more worries anymore about needing anything! Yep! Life was a breeze on skis. Let me tell you. It was a great feeling. I thought I had it made in the shade. All I had to do was maintain.

But, God must have had other plans. . .

Because, that's when the door closed. I had two weeks to pack my bags and leave the country. Was I shocked! It was a bit frightening. I had no plans. I had no travel funds. I know nobody in any surrounding countries.

Where should I go?

Below: A Hindu Temple in Seremban. 

 A shopping temple in Seremban, next door to
the Hindu temple.

Ah, Seremban Parade . . .

Where did your Starbucks go? :(
                     Sometimes you can find floral displays in little squares and cobble stone sidewalks.

                          Covered walkways keep the sun and rain off. Always a nice touch for pedestrians.

                       Natural shade is best! Can't beat God's creation. It even detoxifies the air for us.

Memories! The past six months were a follow up to the two years and eight months I'd lived in this country previously. So, I guess that makes three years and two months living in Malaysia? Roughly?

You do get in a rut. But, then it occurred to me, "I've never been to Vietnam! Nor Cambodia!"

Since the cost of living in Cambodia is apparently quite cheap and I have somewhat of a trickle of income from freelance writing, maybe I should go and check it out. 


  1. you are invited to follow my blog

    1. Hi Steve,
      I spent a while on your blog and found it interesting. Tried to post a comment but it didn't go.
