Monday 2 October 2023


 We decided to leave Buenos Aires. Yes, the architecture is amazing. The people are friendly. The media lunas (croissants) and cafe con leche are great. But, the narrow streets with skyscrapers blocking out the sun made the city a little daunting, especially when it came to using my granddaughter's GPS. We were constantly walking in circles and getting lost for hours. It was fun for a while but then it was time to move on.

Go figure that South America is cold enough to have to wear a jacket and sweater in the middle of what is summer in Canada. But, it's winter in Argentina. And, although it makes sense, it messes with your head.

Probably the most fun about Argentina was their money. You could get a whole fistful of thousand peso bills for a couple of hundred Canadian dollars. 

Outstanding architecture was everywhere in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Very European esthetically.

We headed for Cordoba and were we ever impressed by the scenery. Going through the Andes was the adventure of a lifetime. I'm so glad my granddaughter, Anastasia was there to experience it with me.

We were a little surprised when disembarking at the border to find snow on the ground. It was cold.