Wednesday 29 January 2014


While I was living in China, I got into getting foot massages. Once I got a full body massage but I did not respond well to it. Maybe my body didn't like being pushed into new positions or something. It caused a bad neck for a while. But, foot massages were just the ticket. It seemed they'd massage you from the waist down anyway.

So, when I came back to Malaysia, I went for a Reflexology treatment in Kemayan Square. It hurt! But, afterwards, I felt like I was walking on air. That was a few years ago.

Well, a couple of days ago, I was in the Tesco here in Seremban and I happened to walk past a sign in front of a massage clinic. It said "Reflexology 20RM for 30 minutes", so I went in.

The people were very nice. The gentleman was from Myanmar and the woman who gave me the treatment was from Indonesia.

Man, was she strong! I wanted to cry out a few times as she worked on my toes. But, it was a good pain. I'll definitely go back again. I think she pushed a few pints of blood back up to my waist. Maybe next time, I'll get a full body massage. There's a first time for everything.

So far, January has been a victory in the health department for me, as well as for the two friends I jog/walk with. We have been walking our butts off lately. I hope. One of my friends measures the kms and at an average of 4 per walk, I think we've done well over 50kms just this month! Good for us!