Friday 24 June 2022


 Geronimo is an American legend. Nanaimo is a Canadian place. It's a town on Vancouver Island. And I live there now. 


In fact, my bedroom window overlooks a backyard beach with a whole beautiful harbour in front of that. What a view it is. It's everything, always moving, daytime beauty, nighttime charm and mystery. It's ferries crossing the harbor to Gabriolla Island, crossing each other going and coming, shedding a most glorious light into the darkness at night and glowing white even in the sunlight. 

                                               VIEW FROM MY WINDOW!

The Rocky Mountains are in plain view today with their snow peaked caps and far horizon-ranging range. Just glorious for a background. The up-close brown beach is pebble-covered and the stage for wildlife such as Canadian geese in their flocks, ducks with their two inch sized babies, sea-gulls, and a graceful heron that patiently stands at the edge of the water for hours on end. He's not there now.

                                             NIGHT VIEW 

So far, living in Nanaimo has been like living in a dream. And it's not just the weed. I experienced sleeping on a sailboat a few nights ago. It was surreal. The rocking, the knocking, the taste of the sea air. It was like being in ancient days. Of course, the sailboat is 40 years old! So that probably played into it nicely. 

Nothing like enjoying a cup of fresh ground French-pressed coffee on the deck of a sail-boat early in the morning.  A tidy seagull sits patiently on the cabin roof waiting for his regular sausage treat. Then he patiently waits for another. 

                                      VIEW OF NANAIMO FROM A FRIEND'S SAILBOAT   


Nanaimo is an island town with a friendly island demeanor. If you thought Canadians were polite, this place is triple polite. You just can't be too polite when you're in this country. Moreso here. Don't be surprised to hear, "Thank you so much" several times a day. And, in fact, several times per thank! And don't be afraid to be ever so polite that in any other country, you might feel a little awkward. Don't be. People expect it of you and of each other. You just can't be too polite. 

People apologize to you when you step on their foot. I'm not kidding. It has happened to me. I'm like, "But I stepped on your foot. I should be the one to apologize."

Their extreme politeness is part of what makes Canadians so darn likeable. Here in Nanaimo, people treat you as if they have known you for years when you've only just met. It's like that. If you don't believe me, come to Vancouver Island and see for yourself.

  One morning, Heaven came down to look at itself in the mirror in front of my window.

If the people don't do it for you, maybe the massive displays of roses will. Or the ocean to snow-capped mountains view. Or maybe the birds. I have a tree outside my window just burgeoning with birds. It's nonstop tweeting but not on Twitter. This is real life chit-chat between birds that reaches a stormy peek of noise in the evening and after the rain. They seem to be very intensely discussing things to the point where you might think they're screaming at each other in bird tweets. Nevertheless, it's a beautiful noise. I love it. 

                                                Did I mention the flower gardens?