Saturday 9 May 2015

I Love Malacca, Malaysia

A shop front

A really big tree.

A clock tower in a square and guys taking pics

A romantically decorated rick-shaw

A bridge over the river
Two of my dear friends invited me on a trip to Malacca while I was staying in Malaysia. It was so much fun to be a tourist! We went in and out of tourist shops and looked at all kinds of touristy things! And we even took a trip on the river!
We call this river Stinky River haha because it is.
I have to admit that I lovingly call these "pimp wagons" ha.


The Geographer is a well-known restaurant in town.

Mobiles hanging on a wall in a shop

Colourful dragons

colours and construction

Arts fartsy stuff on the buildings along the river

I love Malacca


Me at the back of the boat. (I got some sun that day.)