Tuesday 8 January 2013


                                      Trees in Seremban, across the street from Parkson Grand.

It's January, 2013 and I find myself back in my beloved Malaysia. Only this time, I'm not staying in Seremban, but Kampar, an obscure little town further to the north. Why?

What a good question! Could it be because I love the dripping humidity and sweltering heat?

There's a simpler reason. My son and his wife came here with seven of my grandchildren and this is where they were staying when I arrived in August, after a year in Canada. Ah, yes. I spent a whole year in my home country. Maybe I'll include some shots of North York sky scrapers. But, for now, it's about trees. I love them.

Imagine if people would stop cutting these beauties down. The air would be easier to breathe. The ground would be knit with huge roots. There would be plenty of shade from the scorching sun.

I arrived in K.L. (Kuala Lumpur) on August 8th, went to visit friends in Mantin for a few days, then took the K.T.M. train to Kampar. That's a very clean and smooth moving electric train.

My seven grandchildren were ecstatic to see me. (And, hopefully not just because I had brought lots of goodies.) Of course, I was thrilled to see them, along with the newest addition, the baby, Amber. That makes seven, just like in the movie, "The Sound of Music".

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