Thursday 17 January 2013

Around Kampar

We may be out in boony-land, but we're not too far away to be reached by the golden arches of McD's with their colourful playroom. Now, who is that Western kid over there? One of SEVEN, you say? Oh, my!

It may surprise you to know that they will be opening a new SKATING RINK right in my front yard! Yes, folks, I brought civilization with me! As I speak, there is a huge truck in front of my house. Of course, it's driving all the dogs mad, especially mine. And there's all these men putting up electric lights along the road! Infrastructure! Hurray! There's a big mall going in, so I guess they figure the light is necessary now.

But, oh my goodness -the dump! It's getting worse and worse and worse every day. People are dumping loads of garbage all along the pathway down into the valley. A lot of it is left-over building supplies, furniture, mattresses, and such. It's not a lot of foodstuff, thank heavens. But, the combination of rain and sun on it produces a stench all the same. We'll see if the new mall will bring about a change in this area.

Teacher Brenda's school room. I painted it for my Junior Class, but university students also study here. They don't seem too distracted by the puffy clouds.

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