Tuesday 3 September 2013

Petrol Prices and Break-Ins

Does the hike in petrol pricing explain the reason for a rash of recent break-ins in Seremban and Kuala Lumpur?

According to a friend of mine, the petrol hike is the reason for all of Malaysia's woes and worries today!

"The sky is falling, people!"

Well, what's done is done. And what goes up, stays up. And it will never come down again. I'm talking about food prices, now. Yes, that dried milk you must buy to keep your baby alive is going to sky-rocket. That bag of rice is going to cost you an arm and a leg. And possibly a few fingers.

But, please, good people, don't let it drive you to burglary!

For all of us "sitting ducks" with our useless security bars and less than useless Police back-up, what to do? The latest B&E criminals are brandishing parongs and guns. Talk about a total lack of respect. They've got us on the run. In fact, they just walk up to your door and demand entry.

And the residents let them in!

There was one elderly lady who had been keep all her savings in her house because she didn't put any trust in the banks. She lost it all to these masked marauders!

What they do is, they wear a ski mask or something black that covers their entire head and face with only a slit for the eyes. And they talk in one word sentences, like,

"Money." And, "Go."

That makes it very difficult to identify their nationality or identity. And, the fact that they're doing rich neighbourhoods and getting away with it "Scott free", is more-than-likely a great encouragement for them to keep doing what they're doing. Wouldn't you say?

So, it's time to take a stand against this inroad of the enemy! And, what's my bright idea?

Let's see: pepper spray?

I suggest setting up alarm systems to at least allow for an early warning. A buzzer of some type can be set up inside the house where you can hear it when it's triggered. From the buzzer, a thin, barely visible line can run across the yard in the path of would-be intruders so that it is tripped when a foot pulls on it.

Don't allow fear to be your master.

A loud alarm system installed inside so that if a bar or window is touched, it will go off, will deter most robbers. Once the alarm goes off, all the lights inside and outside of the house should go on immediately.

I've also heard that rubber bullets really sting! Without killing anyone.

Another option is to assemble a night watch team to patrol the neighbourhood. Those guys in the guard boxes are anything but guards. In fact, more often than not, they're the ones cuing the intruders!

The price of petrol is up. Whether or not it stays up, the cost of living will. Survival is the name of the game. Both on the home front and on the financial front.

So, hang in there, Malaysia.

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