Wednesday 14 August 2013

Yes! We Have Some Bananas!

 For some reason, or many reasons, I love banana trees. I just think it's so cool how the leaves grow in, brand new, all rolled up like a piece of paper, all in one piece. Then, with the breeze and goings on around it, that leaf will split and split, also like a thin piece of paper. So, each leaf will end up different. Some will be all frilly and some will just have several slits. Some may remain in one piece for a while, too.

Banana trees are prolific here. In fact, they grow wild. They have a tuber root, like grass has. So they just keep on reproducing and covering an area. Then, quickly they start to produce fruit. That's another reason why I love banana trees - bananas! They are a happy fruit. They pick you up and fill you up and supply stuff like zinc. Of course, as we know, they're especially good for men's health.

Go, bananas! Go! My son even started planting baby banana trees to have his very own crop of this lovely non-fruit. Well, is it a fruit? Or is it a vegetable? Hmmm....
 This is a wall that has inadvertently become a huge planter filled with lots of tropical delicacies.

My friend was mentioning her experience with the avocados that grow on her tree. She said that she and her
husband spent a great deal of time and effort taping bags around each of the avocados so that they would ripen protected against the bugs. 

The next morning, they went out to see whether the bags had survived the night and all the avocados were GONE. Somebody or some bodies had come along and picked them all!

So, that's why she has decided not to bother covering her avocados this year. 

Yes, you can eat the fruit right off the trees here. And, they do. Although, I call that stealing. Unless the tree is on common ground and not in your neighbour's yard, you should be careful about who's tree to plunder. 


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