Friday 25 September 2015

Taman Permai and the Coconut King

Coconuts have received a bad rep around here these days, after the Malaysian president
took a pair of them on his "magic carpet ride" to try to discover the location of the mysterious
missing plane. Although the coconuts didn't seem to help in that case, I do believe in the
wonder of the majestic coconut palm. Is there any tree more gorgeous, fascinating and thrilling?
I think not.

Every morning, when I wake up, I check out my window to make sure the coconut
tree across the street is still there, still full of all its yellow fruit and still waving its
frilly, shiny leaves. To me, he has become a sort of icon or status symbol, not of
wealth, but more of health. He presides over the chicken coop and keeps watch over
the other fruit bearing tees.

To the Coconut King's right and left are mango trees. To the right, you can see
several banana trees.
That white thing at the bottom of the picture is not a washing machine, as you may
think, but it's a garbage bin (on the bottom) and a mail box (on the top). The bottom
part has become obsolete with the arrival of the modern garbage bin (seen to the left of the
white box). However, the mail box is still in use.
Here's a close up of His Majesty.

I am not a tree hugger. I don't think I've ever hugged a tree in my entire life. But, a tree like this one
deserves some respect, wouldn't you think? It's just bursting with coconuts. I've counted over 27 of them and I can only see one side of the tree! This one tree could feed a whole battalion. Or brigade. Or troop. Or whatever you call them. One hundred soldiers. Or children.

I suspect that, one of these days, someone will manage to get all those coconuts down. There will be a feast then! (I hope I'm invited!)

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