Friday 5 July 2013

The Beat Goes On!

Somebody please tell me why heat bugs get so loud! Their screeching or buzzing is ear-piercing at times. It's downright distracting is what it is. Now, are they calling to their mates? Or, is it the heat that drives them into a frenzy?

For the past two nights, the noise has begun at exactly 9 pm! The first night, I thought it was just a rough guess for the time. The sun had gone down. All was quiet. Even the dogs next door were at peace. Until, suddenly this unadulterated racket disrupts the entire neighborhood with a frenzy of wild high-pitched buzzing!

I thought that an electric wire had fallen down on the road or something, so I opened the sliding door to have a look. Nope. Just mind-boggling noise. So loud? I thought, "I've heard heat bugs before, but this is ridiculous."

Ten minutes later, it stopped. It was so silent, it was like a factory had shut down. You could hear a pin drop. That night, the noise didn't start up again. Not so last night.

At exactly 50 seconds past 9pm, it started up again! Ten minutes later, gone! Ahhh... but this time, they went right back at it and rose the crescendo to a maddening pitch. Ten minutes later, quiet. Again, they went into their crazy screeching for exactly ten minutes. So far, the buzzing has stopped after exactly ten minutes.

I'll let you know whether this happens again tonight. I don't know why they're so loud. But, I'm going to find out!

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