Monday 17 June 2013

Buses vs Trains

Having traveled several times to and from Kampar and Seremban, I have decided that I prefer the bus. And it's not just because it's half the price! No. Honestly. Well, ok, that's a big draw, but I do actually enjoy riding the bus more than sitting on a freezing train even though the train is faster and you can watch a movie.

Truth be told, they play the same movie over and over for weeks and the little cartoon of Mr. Bean is really only cute the first three times. After that, you want to throw tomatoes at the screen. Anything to switch your focus from the monotony and discomfort of the "First Class" seating. (The seat doesn't fully recline.)

Why the bus?

It's the scenery! No matter how many times I travel the road, there are always new things that pop out that I never noticed before. With a positive attitude, one can find amazing beauty in the passing jungle, small towns and even the palm oil palm plantations. I do love palm trees. I love any trees.

Just don't focus on all the black mold, rotting wood, crumbling walls and pealing paint. Think of it as authenticity in a world of otherwise tropical splendor. And the people are so cute sometimes.

I was sitting on the bus, minding my own business, trying not to be anxious about the late departure, when this sweet, little white-haired Chinese lady looked up and caught my eye. She broke into a beaming smile and waved excitedly, as though she were greeting her best friend.

Of course, I was a little taken aback, wondering whether she was indeed looking at me. So, I checked around and realized I should wave back. When I did, she seemed pleased and carried on her way across the street. I guess she hadn't seen many foreigners in Old Town Kampar recently.

Old Town Kampar is where the retired like to stay. It seems they put down very long roots and never budge once they've gotten settled. They go to the same restaurants every day and the same coffee shops. It seems everyone knows everyone. So, a White person stands out as a new attraction.

There are disadvantages to riding the bus, I confess. Sometimes the bus driver smokes! Whereas, that will never happen on the train.

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