Thursday 16 February 2017

Ontari - ari - ariO

When I was a kid, there was a song about Ontario and it went "Ontari-ari-ario", so that's why the title. I'm BACK IN CANADA. yay. What a winter I chose to return to.

 This may look like a lot of snow, but there's twice as much now. There are mountains and mountains of snow growing up around us. This is the view out my front door in Barrie, Ontario.

 For those of you who just love the color, white, I have news for you: white is not a color. LOL. But, it is very pretty and pure-looking and refreshing. I guess.

My sister reminded me of how we used to suck on icicles when we were kids. It never occurred to us then that they were chock full of contaminants and toxic waste. They look so clear and crystal clean.


And the sun sets slowly in the west. It's not going down quite as early as it was in December. Now it stays light out until 5:50pm.

I suppose if it wasn't so difficult to walk around, I'd go outside a lot more, but the sidewalks here are piled with snow and slush with a thin layer of sneaky ice underneath it all which makes walking very treacherous. I use the word treacherous with all sincerity.

You have to go out sooner or later. I went to the grocery store which is about ten blocks away. A lady who had been walking out in the road came up on the sidewalk beside me and asked,

"How is it over there?" pointing to the sidewalk I'd just come along. I answered,


A little further along, I came to a sidewalk with ten-foot walls of snow on either side making it feel like a long tunnel. Or, like you were walking through the Red Sea after God raised up the water on either side. It was a wall of frozen water carved into white walls. Ha.

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